Regularly while working with a Netlify CMS you need the config.yml
file to configure your entire CMS. I found this to be suboptimal and wanted to use the power of Typescript to generate the config file. In the end it's really easy to do.
In order to run this "tool" you need a couple of npm packages:
Now start by creating a config.src.ts
file in the static/admin
folder, next to the config.yml
. I added .src
to it just to indicate the difference between the files.
This is what my basic version of the file looks like:
import { CmsConfig, CmsCollection, CmsField } from 'netlify-cms-core';
import * as YAML from 'yaml';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
const defaultMetaFields: CmsField[] = [
{ label: 'Title', name: 'title', widget: 'string' },
{ label: 'Page URL', name: 'url', widget: 'string' },
label: 'Meta', name: 'meta', widget: 'object', fields: [
{ label: 'Title', name: 'title', widget: 'string' },
{ label: 'Description', name: 'description', widget: 'string' }
const demoPage: CmsCollection = {
name: 'demopage',
label: 'Demo page',
folder: 'src/pages/demopage',
create: true,
delete: true,
extension: 'md',
slug: '{{url}}',
fields: [
{ label: 'Template Key', name: 'templateKey', widget: 'hidden', default: 'demoPage' },
{ label: 'Body', name: 'body', widget: 'markdown' },
const config: CmsConfig = {
backend: {
name: 'git-gateway',
branch: 'master'
media_folder: 'static/img',
public_folder: '/img',
publish_mode: 'editorial_workflow',
logo_url: '',
collections: [
// To generate the end file
const configDisclaimer = '# This file is generated\n# Only edit the config.src.ts file\n\n';
const configString = `${configDisclaimer}${YAML.stringify(config)}`;
fs.writeFile(path.resolve(__dirname, 'config.yml'), configString, (err) => {
if (err) console.log(err);
console.log('Generated the config.yml');
As you can see the Typescript is placed on top. After that the generation code is written. It adds a comment to the top of the yml file so everyone will see it's generated. Easy as that! Now we only need to add a script to the package.json
"scripts": {
"generate-config-yml": "ts-node static/admin/config.src.ts"