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This project includes:


I created this simple project initially to help a colleague get up and running on a hobby project, but since it can possibly be of help to other developer I released it publicly. Thanks for the tip Serge.

Keep in mind that this is not a definitive best practice, but it would have helped me tremendously if I knew about this when I started developing about 10 years ago. That's why I think this is useful especially for starting developers. The project is small, though includes many features that make it sustainable in time. Let me explain that a bit more.

Folder structure

The folder structure is functional/feature based:

  • Counter - feature
  • KanyeRest - feature
  • assets - for global assets like styles or icons
  • store - for global state initialization

Within the Counter and KanyeRest features a more technical folder structure exists, which makes it predictable and easy to navigate through:

  • components - where the .tsx files live
  • hooks - for custom React hooks
  • state - for feature specific state management
  • styles - for feature specific styling
  • types - for the feature specific types

State management

The global state is set up using React together with redux-toolkit, which makes the Redux implementation in React (especially in combination with Typescript) much much more user friendly.

The one thing I'm really enthusiastic about are so called slices which basically brings the actions and reducers together in great harmony. It uses immer in the background for immutable state modification, which I also really like.

Fetched data management

What are the basic stages of fetching data? Loading state, data fetched, error occurred? Lucky you, it's all in here! Take a look at the useKanyeRest.ts hook to see how it's pushed to the global state and view KanyeRest.tsx to see how it's consumed.

Custom hook

The custom React hook I use in the KanyeRest feature was created in the name of separation of concerns. It fetches some data from the KanyeRest API and stores it in the global store. That's code you absolutely don't want in your components. The only thing that's exported is the load() function which is called in the component.

CSS naming convention

For this example I use the BEM naming methodology. BEM stands for Block Element Modifier and helps you structure your CSS-class names. I absolutely love this naming convention, which makes the most difficult part of programming, naming things, much easier. This article explains perfectly how it works.

Let me know if this helped you or what you do differently!